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Public censuses

Since many Tater families did not have a permanent residence, they were not part of the census counts. But in 1845, the Travellers were counted in a special census, resulting in the so-called “vagabond count” (Winge 1995).

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The census encompassed 1145 individuals, and names and other information were recorded for 700 of them. This information was useful for the authorities, as it enabled them to control and locate the Travellers more easily.

Based on counts from all the country’s priests and commissions for the poor, the Mission’s founder Jacob Walnum prepared a register of the nation’s vagabonds and vagrants.  

There were 3,859 individuals listed as vagabonds in Walnum’s register. Of the 2,304 registered adults, 257 were listed as residents, 257 as questionable and the remaining 1773 as nomadic.

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