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Romani is often used as illustrated in the song Romano rakklo - that is, in combination with Norwegian. Expressing oneself using sentences containing elements from two languages is very common in multilingual communities around the world.

By Rolf Theil

A song about the Tater people

The song Romano rakklo ("Tater Boy") illustrates Norwegian-Romani – and the traditional Tater life. The lines in the song alternate between Romani and Norwegian. In the left column, the song is in Romani; the right column is a translation, word for word, into English.

Romano rakklo


Ninna vil jag gia en tikkno
munter sang,
det handlar om de tavringar
som pallan drommen jar.
Og noen avar tradranes med
våddri og med grei,
Og noen brukklar piroane
over dal og hei.

Hei råmmano rakklo kammar
råmmano tjei,
Hei råmmano rakklo bæsjar
stadia på snei

Og tjeia mi er sjukkar og
låsjano og bli,
Det asjar før ho honkar
utav ekta rommani.
Ho kammar fedi jakkar
og kalot sjukkart bal,
Og føljer meg så lett
over li og fjell og dal.

Hei råmmano rakklo kammar
råmmano tjei,
Hei råmmano rakklo bæsjar
stadia på snei

Så jar vi oppri væsjan og
bæsjar morstan prei,
Og senn så blir det rakkranes
om våddri og om grei.
Så avar dålle buron og
prastrar oss kei,
Da sikkar vi han tjukknia
så nasjar han i vei.

Refreng x 2:
Hei råmmano rakklo kammar
råmmano tjei,
Hei råmmano rakklo bæsjar
stadia på snei

Tater boy


Now I want to sing
a cheerful little song.
It's about the Tater people
who travel along the roads.
And some arrive by
horse and wagon,
and some arrive on foot
through the valleys and moors.

Hey, Tater boy has a Tater girl.
Hey, Tater boy puts his hat
on askew.

And my girl is beautiful and
kind and happy.
That's because she's from
a genuine Tater family.
She has beautiful eyes,
and beautiful black hair.
She follows me so willingly over
hills and mountains and valleys.

Hey, Tater boy has a Tater girl.
Hey, Tater boy puts his hat
on askew.

Then we go into the woods
and put the coffee on.
And then we talk about wagons
and about horses.
Then this village guy comes,
wants to chase us away.
Then we show him the whip,
and he runs away.

Chorus x 2:
Hey, Tater boy has a Tater girl.
Hey, Tater boy puts his hat
on askew.

Code switching

Code-switching is a term used by language researchers to describe the switching between two languages, but it could equally be called language alternation. In Norway we recognise it among the Romani people, but also among Kvens, South Samis and immigrants.

During code-switching, the two languages play slightly different roles in the sentence. One language acts as the grammatical frame into which elements from the other language are inserted. In code-switching between Norwegian and Romani, Norwegian acts as the grammatical frame. This is evident, for example, from the order of the words and from the fact that many grammatical structures are Norwegian. Code-switching of the kind we find between Romani and Norwegian is typical for minorities who, for various reasons, need to talk in a way that outsiders do not understand.

ROMANI ninna rakkrar våsjnus romani
ENGLISH now speak we romani
ROMANI miro pasjar våsjnus honkar jikk manus
ENGLISH I believe we are a people
ROMANI duri dromm kammar våsjnus jadd
ENGLISH a long road have we walked

Although it is common to use Romani in code-switching with Norwegian, it is of course possible to speak pure Romani. Examples may be seen in these books, all written by people of Tater background:

•    Paa Fantestien – Erindringer og Oplevelser (Along the Vagabond trail – Remembrances and Experiences) (1893/1917) by teacher Martin J. Mathiassen Skou.
•    Romanifolkets ordbok (The Romani People’s Dictionary) (1993) by the preacher Ludvig Karlsen.
•    Kjerkloane/Fuglene (The Birds) (2001) by the preacher Hermann Karlsen Wigardt.
•    Vandriane rakkrar / taterne forteller / taterane fortel (The Tater’ Stories) (2014) by Rolf Theil in cooperation with the TL.

Where did this people com from?

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
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